NO ONE has to tell your brain what you just did when you step in one! I cruised timber and burned pine woods off 2 years during college, I started out wearing gator chaps mainly for briars and catclaws but they would turn a fang, prob got struck 2 or 3 times, I always had a machete and I kept it sharp as a pocketknife, in my cowboy days I have killed them with a 12 ft kangroo hide bullwhip I got out of PNW, David Morgan , my best and least expensive bullwhip was made out of flat paracord type nylon by a half blind old cowboy in Okeechobee FL!
The thing with the snake in river was even though he was a monster for a timber rattler there was a small target , he and the river were moving and I nailed him freehanded. There was no fear from just stepping in the stinking SOB!!! very best WinPoor