Originally Posted by Eric308

However, limiting large cap mags in semi-autos is, I believe, addressing at least one common denominator in these shootings. Limiting firearm access to those who are unfit, limiting the numbers of firearms specifically designed for and ideally suited to mass casualty shootings, will I believe help the problem.

Its folly to say because we can't do everything we should do nothing, and I'm not convinced further saturating the landscape with guns is the answer.

Well, when everyone is taught to cower like sheep and not fight back, or have the ability to shoot back, a guy with a pocket full of 5 round magazines can do just as much harm as a guy with a pocket full of 30 rounders.

When everyone lays on the ground, he has all the time in the world to stand off and plink away and reload at his hearts content.

There is no way to coexist no matter how many bumper stickers there are on Subaru bumpers!