Originally Posted by ribka
Will be over hunting Beulah and Stanley areas in ND in a week

Feel free to join me

I'm not a native, but after living in Tioga for a year I'm pretty sure there's no mountain grouse in or around Stanley.

I hope I'm wrong and there's at least some ruffs, they're my favorite bird to pursue.

I've never hunted either of those areas, I recently moved to country outside of Williston. I went out for the first time Friday evening for an hour to hour and a half. Testing a brand new shotgun I got Friday morning. First flush from my dog with gun in hand, one shot one bird. Two more flushes before dark with two more shots and two more dead birds. I'd say the cheap Savage 555 in 12 was a good addition. Now off to the Turtles in a few weeks to try it on the king of birds IMHO.
I will be heading there first week of November now instead of Mt. Plans have changed and not on my part, the local I was going to be staying with in Red Lodge area will be working out of town that weekend now.

Plus, after talking to him, he lives outside of Red Lodge and says he don't see any grouse. He doesn't hunt them though either, he's a big game guy only. Any of you fellas see any ruffs in those parts?

Anyhow Ribka, if you're around these parts hit me up on the weekends Sage and I will be out. This is my first time hunting ND period. I've never harvested a hun or sharptail and I'm looking to fill the niche. My season is about to slow down and now I'm starting to get weekends off, so I'll be beaten feet with dog and shotgun every weekend till it gets to cold for her.

I was out here in 2013 winter on an oil rig before and know firsthand what a human popsicle feels like minus the stick.

Tight chains.


The perfection of life with a gun dog, like the perfection of an Autumn, is disturbing because you know, even as it begins, that it must end. Time bestows the gift and steals it in the process. "George Bird Evans"