Been on about 9 or 10 flights up there in Beavers on floats, and we were put in tight spots. Put down a couple times too to wait out dropping ceilings. With today's GPS, one could do instruments, but if that fails one is for sure screwed.

In every instance we went into sites as a group, but came out as individuals or just partial loads of game or camp gear. Ferried over to a larger lake where stuff was unloaded, eventually loaded everything and everybody, and headed for home. Pain in the ass loading/unloading/reloading, but we're all still here.

Last out on one of those trips and had let the rifle leave on an prior run. The only time in my life I felt a little naked about being unarmed.

Amazed at the skill and knowledge it takes to safely function up there. The "old bold" saying certainly applies.

Last edited by 1minute; 10/28/15.
