I lucked into a casting lesson from Joan Wulff once. Lee was giving a lecture at a single malt scotch tasting party I attended and Joan was out in the hall showing off her mini rod and yarn combo for indoor practice. (Myself and another guy were the only flyfishers in attendance.) When I mentioned that roll casting was giving me fits (changing the drop of the fly a foot or two either side of the pickup point) she asked if I had a rod with me. Duh, back then I didn't go anywhere without a rod in the car. She met me in the parking lot and in no time had corrected my evil ways! In the dark, lit up by street lights. Lee found us out there and chided me for stealing his girl. Delightful people.

Then there was the time I sat at a bar with Jim Bashline and Ernie Schweibert drinking scotch and tying a few flies. But that's a story for another time... (OMG the stories those guys could tell, especially when under the influence!)

"You can lead a man to logic, but you cannot make him think." Joe Harz
"Always certain, often right." Keith McCafferty