Its not that I am intractably negative. Its just sad to see ideas that have so much potential go sideways and then under the water.

Remington had a great product with the Tis now they are gone.

I have one of the JOC Winchesters and think that this is a better direction than their budget rifle.

We have seen Walmart and everybody else bump the rifles that are different out and then increase prices.

I really like Kimbers that are made right but I feel that they are now the establishment.

I have two Noslers and I feel that they are great rifles.

This is because I have heard that T3s are going to be discontinued.

I do like brownings as well but the new "magic worm" camo pattern is bad as the blaze camo weatherby pattern or the Peptobismol Howa pattern.

Different strokes for different folks and I have thought about buying one of each of the ugly guns just to have close to the areas that robbers might frequent. One look at one of those three and the burglar is going to head for the hills.

Just my thoughts again.

I am glad that people are getting involved in this thread.