A couple years ago one of my hunting partners was busted up pretty good on his horse. He and his wife get LOTS of trail time but sometimes accidents happen. They'd encountered a group of boy scouts on bikes on a steep side hill section of the trail. The boys politely stopped and pulled their bikes off the trail. As they went by on the horses, Jerry's horse stepped a few inches off the trail and the edge collapsed under a hind foot. The horse went down the embankment 6 or 8' and Jerry took a HARD fall, hard enough that the scouts got a chance to use their 1st aid training while one of them rode to the trailhead to call for help. They finally got him out by helicopter.
He recovered ok but it took a while. He had a double hip replacement some years ago and they were afraid that the muscles had pulled loose from the metal. Also he damaged a vertebra in his neck. He hurt a lot for quite a while. He was able to hunt with us that fall and did get his deer but he couldn't hunt alone. He wasn't able to dress it alone as he couldn't lift enough to move it at all. My llamas got another pack trip getting it out.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.