People mocked and made fun of me since I was in grade school, first because I was bigger and stronger then them (having been called 'Moose' as a toddler, or Baby Huey in first grade), and later because I was smarter and better educated than they were (my passion is books, after school I spent hours in the public library).

I had one guy at work ask, "How come you know everything."

To which I replied, "Because I don't talk about things I don't know anything about." In training classes they would turn to me and say, "Ask John, he'll know," when the instructor was stumped, which I found mortifying, as I was hoping to remain anonymous in the back row.

So, I became the big insanely strong fat guy that knows everything. I learned from an early age that when insulted, it's a great opportunity to apply a quick witty putdown, which garnered me another appellation: The Putdown King.

So when a spastic spittle spewing ignoramus libtard pajama boy insults me, well you get the idea. Sometimes just overstating the obvious is enough, and when delivered with humor can be devastating. Who does not recall the facile wit of Winston Churchill:

Bessie Braddock to Churchill "Winston, your drunk!"
Churchill: "Bessie, your ugly, and tomorrow morning I shall be sober."

On Admiral Mountbatten
"What could you hope to achieve except to be sunk in a bigger and more expensive ship this time?"

On Stanley Baldwin
"I wish Stanley Baldwin no ill, but it would have been much better if he had never lived."

"Cultured people are merely the glittering scum which floats upon the deep river of production."

On General Montgomery
"In defeat unbeatable, in victory unbearable."

Trump seems a bit more plain spoken, without Churchill's refined syrup of eloquence that placed the barb with a painful sting preceding the laughter, but Trump at least rolls over political correctness with the steamroller of exposure. I like that.