Originally Posted by Crow hunter
The root cause is that there are too many BS laws on the books nowadays and it's virtually impossible to go about your day without breaking one of them. This leads to too many interactions with police over trivial BS that shouldn't have been illegal to begin with. Over time it leads to an "us vs. them" mentality.

For example: I'm in Germany right now on a business trip. I went into a grocery store yesterday and there were a group of kids in front of me in line to check out. They were likely between 16-18 and each one of them had an open beer bottle in their hand. (16 is the drinking age here) They got to the cashier, paid for the beer they were already drinking and went on their way. The cashier never batted an eye. I've seen it a lot, it's standard practice over here to grab a beer out of the cooler, open it, and pay for it when you leave. If that had happened in the U.S. they'd have called the SWAT team, God forbid a minor drink a beer or someone open a beer bottle in public. The kids would have been hauled off to jail, put in rehab, expelled from school, and ended up with a record that would likely affect their admissions to college & thus their future career opportunities.

Just an example of how we criminalize stupid crap that shouldn't be criminalized.


You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell