It's with some amazement that I reflect on the small HERDS of beat up old 86's covered tables at the Calgary and Kalispell Gunshows half a lifetime back,...and that a really GOOD one could be had for $500.
Good originals certainly fall well outside of my range, but good horse trades are another realm,....
The replicas have good potential, and appear to be priced within reason, noted, retrofitting them into slicker and more original form IS eminently do-able.

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Finds like the one pictured below just seem to come along and fall on one, every now and than.I can hear it whispering to that old 10 ga. Guard's Gun in the safe.

Researching and studying the "Pleasant Valley War(s)", and "One Armed Hamp" is going to keep me out of bars,....and anybody that's well up to speed on the "Hamp Blevins Gang",...well, YOUR input would sure be welcomed.

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A good HALF the fun of messing around with these historic pelters is discussing their provenance, ...whether documented, or just centered around speculation founded in historic facts.

Any and all with the notion of dropping in,...gate's closed, but not locked.


Member, Clan of the Border Rats
-- “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”- Mark Twain