My regimen goes thusly. Sight in, usually an inch or so high at 100. Shoot @ 200 to verify if 200 is available. All from bags. Go out and find a white rock or some other target somewhere around 200. Shoot from a field position between kneeling and standing while steadying against something, ie. a tree, etc. if I'm still good, I go hunting. I don't waste ammo on measuring groups at this point. Targets are smaller than a volleyball. A hit is good. A miss and I go back to the bench and start over?

At my age, I try to avoid prone and sitting, because it is hard to get up. I admit that I cheat. I use anything solid available to lean against or rest the rifle on. Nothing there, I revert to the sling. Up to now, I do OK, but I sometimes pass a shot when in doubt.

Edit: One other thing. I use a good air gun to hone my off hand. It helps a lot!

Good hunting,


Last edited by jt402; 01/10/16.

"Do not blame Caesar, blame the people...who have...rejoiced in their loss of freedom....Blame the people who hail him when he speaks of the 'new, wonderful, good, society' mean , fatly at the expense of the industrious." Cicero