I like the idea of the 6" target drill @ extended ranges from field position. I hunt a great deal off of a BogPod. I am going to do long range practice from it this year. Am guessing it will be humbling. I struggle shooting my NULA from the bench. Am curious how I will do grouping it from a field rest. The NULA is the only ultra light rifle that I own. I think it weighs less than 6 1/2 lbs scoped and loaded. Elevated shooting positions are rare where I hunt and a traditional mounted bipod or backpack rarely gets me over the grass/brush or corn stubble. I will try the 6" target out to 500 and see if I am fooling myself that I am accurate at that range from the bog pod or other types of sticks. I have never taken a shot over 350 from one of these rests.