ingwe, that is good to know about squirrels in Montana.. We spend some time there each year.. Kind of depends what else we have going.. We also go to the Big Horn Basin a lot.. On those trips we make a run to Billings for shopping.. I haven't shot a tree squirrel for probably 10 years.. Did go out Fri. and shoot 5 fat cottontails with my Sako .222.. Could have shot twice that many, but 5 is about all I want to clean at one time..Naturally, my camera's battries were dead.. So no pics.

Seal, I can understand about being in Wy., but I enjoy traveling.. Mich. has some pretty great fishing.. I would much rather eat a bluegill, perch or salmon that any trout I ever caught.. Brookies are good, but nothing compared to the others.. Not to mention walleye.. The U.P. is a cool place.. Love traveling though there, but too thick and swampy for my taste.. But it was Robert Traveler's country, and he was an awesome writer.. Also Hemingway..

Molon Labe