We have some in Boise, they are housed in an apartment building just a few blocks away from me. Apparently this is some kind of subsidized temporary housing since I’ve seen a lot of Somalis there previously.

The Somalis are okay. Most are black as midnight and you see them in family groups at WinCo, the men are all skinny and the women have their bright yellow and red clothes on with babies slung in those cloth hammocks over their backs. I wish them well, they came from a sh-thole and I hope they do okay in America.

But now there are some obviously Middle Eastern families there, you can see the women in full hijab from head to toe. Taking a wait and see attitude but I can already see some cultural conflicts developing over what is considered normal over there vs. what is considered rude as hell here.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!