Yes, there are Muslims who are bent on violence and we need to identify and keep those individuals out of the nation. However, the vast majority are peaceful and looking for a better (and safer) life; many are highly educated and can contribute to the prosperity of the US.

The same holds true of Latinos entering the US. The vast majority just want a better life. If caught entering illegally, they are returned to their native countries; most are not Mexicans, but are from other Latin countries and just passing through Mexico.

However, there is one Latin nation from which any person reaching US soil is automatically admitted, no matter how they crossed into US space - Cuba. The Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 enabled this; it was amended in 1976. And, unlike other immigrants, Cubans are not required to enter the United States at a port-of-entry. Also, being a public charge doesn't make a Cuban ineligible to become a permanent resident.

The vast majority of Cuban refugees are peaceful, law-abiding residents, but Cubans have been involved in terrorist acts here in the US. For a rundown on these acts see:

Recognizing the contributions made by Cuban refugees, few have called for banning all Cubans from the US for the acts of a minority. Something to think about.