It can be tough when you are torn between passion and responsibility.

If you are smart, you enter the workforce and work hard, watch your expenses, and save for later.

I occasionally need to remind myself it is now "later". I am far enough along in my career where I have saved and invested on the proper track. I can't walk away and retire anytime soon, but I'm doing the right things. I also am young and fit enough to do most any adventure without physical limitation. However, I know there are some things that will start getting culled off the list over the next 10-15 years - which goes by quickly.

Africa is not getting any cheaper, and hunting opportunities are dwindling. Some opportunities won't be there later.

Example, some 15 years ago I did a 18 day hunt in Zambia that included 1 buffalo and 1 cat. My PH had a leopard on liciense, but had sold out his few lion permits. I could have postponed a year if I really had wanted a lion, but never hunted leopard, and we decided we'd do the lion down the road.

Well, not far down the road, Zambia closed hunting for a couple of years, then reallocation came, and then a couple of more years passed and I looked again at Zambia for buff and leopard. sadly, there is no way could jusitify the expense. Now lion hunting is pretty much done. I have no regrets, but that shows that some opportunities will go and be gone forever.

An African Safari is one of life's highlights. If you can swing it and not end up in the poor farm, I am sure the experience will enrich you far more than spending the same money on almost any other indulgence.

Best of luck with whichever path you choose.

"The Democrat Party looks like Titanic survivors. Partying and celebrating one moment, and huddled in lifeboats freezing the next". Hatari 2017

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo