Charles, I had an experience last w/e that might be pertinent to this discussion.

When I was getting ready for my buffalo hunt last year, people kept asking me how big Cape buffalo were. They couldn't seem to grasp the concept of "1600 to 2000 pounds", so I just started telling them they were the size of a rodeo Brahma bull, a creature most Texans have some familiarity with, and a suitable frame of reference.

As it happens, this past couple of weeks I was providing medical coverage for the local rodeo here in town. Saturday night I was standing behind the gate the cowboys come in from the arena through, which meant I was standing right beside the bull pen. I had time to look the bulls over real well, and I came to this conclusion:

Rodeo bulls are a LOT smaller than Cape buffalo.

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars