If he is so wrong, why is it that all the biggest control advocates are of the Jewish persuasion? I am not anti-Jew by any means but the fact remains look at who is on the forefront on disarming WE THE PEOPLE. At least Ted has the guts to speak out an tell it like it is. I'm sure I've pissed off a few. Guess what, the truth hurts and I don't care.
I know, it's not politically correct. Well political correctness is an oxymoron promulgated by morons. It's also what's hurting this country. After all, we must not hurt someone's feeling or harm their self esteem. Bovine excrement!
Paul B.

Our forefathers did not politely protest the British.They did not vote them out of office, nor did they impeach the king,march on the capitol or ask permission for their rights. ----------------They just shot them.