Originally Posted by Seafire

but I do care about you or anyone else applauding the assassination of Police Officers in this country and doing so with glee...

You're a POS, period...

Where have I applauded the assassination of police officers???? Please post it right here, Cfar.

I think that one of the best things that's happened in this country recently is making murdering, abusing, bullying cops held accountable for their actions. The jack-booted thugs got away with it forever. Thanks to modern technology and cell phone cameras and body and unit cameras AND THE INTERNET and WILLING DA's we can now expose these derelicts for what they are.

Most LEO's are honorable men. But some aren't. And those are the ones that need to be held accountable.

Confucius say: He who angers you.......controls you.

My Lifestance is one of Secular Humanism.