I bought a Blacks Creek Grip Frame and the Alternative (3000 cu. inch) bag and 2 Nick Nack sacks for the waist belt last year and was very pleased with it's performance both hunting and once the animal was down. I did overnight solo backpack hunts, day hunts, packed out several animals and have never used a better set-up. It is very versatile and adjustable with a full waist belt and chest straps that adjust down far enough to fit my skinny frame, good load lifter straps and I also got the extra shoulder pads though I hardly used them since loads up to 80 lbs or so carried very comfortably without them. I was able to put my basic camping gear on the frame then attach the bag with hunting gear and extra rations to it for an overnight back pack hunt, I could bring as much meat as I wanted out on the first trip and I didn't have to put it in the bag with my hunting gear, it served every purpose that was needed this season. I still brought a Cabela's Alaska Frieghter Frame with me but I never actually used it as I found the Grip Frame was very comfortable, I liked still having the Nick Nack sacks on the waist band for the few items I carry when relaying elk quarters and I enjoyed the lack of an external frame sticking up & hooking branches etc. I also found it to be easier to attach a load to the frame than tying them on to a traditional frame (although a few bungees does make strapping a load to a conventional frame pretty easy) the straps etc. provided made the task virtually effortless.

I also like the fact that they are made in Idaho and when I talked to them on the phone they assured me they would do any alternations I needed to make it fit perfect if necessary, although I can't see where any are needed they seemed committed to making a product that would be the last pack you need to buy for a long time & have a lifetime warranty policy. I like the fact that you can get 2,000 and 5,000 inch bags that will attach to the same frame, my 3,000 inch bag compresses down very nicely when empty but the 2,000 might be nice for day hunts in the early season, I think if you were going to do a multi-day backpack trip the 5,000 might be nice but I was able to get all I wanted to carry at once with the 3,000 inch bag.

All in all I would say I will never elk hunt with anything but a 1 pack system again, there are other brands I might consider but I would not consider a 2 pack system again and don't even bother looking at low end economy packs for serious elk hunting. I was able to compare my pack to a new Kifaru one of my guides upgraded to this year & to be honest I liked my Blacks Creek better, Dylan said he kinda wished he had looked at the Blacks Creek packs as well before he bought after comparing them side by side but all in all I think he is happy with his Kifaru. I know Kifaru has an excellent reputation, there are several other brands I might consider but Blacks Creek is definitely worth a look.

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This picture shows backstraps, neck meat, tenderloins from my archery spike bull & butchering tarp loaded on frame for first trip out, the bag can now be buckled onto the frame & cinched down tight.

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Better to do it when you're young so you can talk about it when you're too old than talk about it when you're young and do it when you're too old.
