I thought the North Shore I looked at had 28 oz. 85% wool 15% nylon. I've been told since then that the fabric for that jacket is 28 to 30 oz. The Voyageurs I have is 30 oz. 100% virgin wool. The single layer of 30 oz wool in the Voyageurs does not compare to the double layer of 24 oz. wool in the Filson Double Mackinaw. However, both the North Shore and the Voyageurs are great garments. Just depends on what you are going to use it for. I use the Voyageurs for different conditions than I use my Filson Double Mackinaw. I also have a Woolrich 6390, which is like a double mackinaw (double cape and sleeves), I purchased from Sierra Trading Post a couple of years ago for $100.

You learn something new everyday whether you want to or not.