I'm not sure that I understand the question.

Here's how I use a floorless shelter on a wet weather backpack hunt (example: interior Alaska, continuous drizzle, ground soaked, 38F):
1.) choose a good tent site
2.) erect tent (for my SL4: unroll tent, stake corners, place pole in center and extend to snug-ish, close zipper door, stake between corners, tighten stake locations and extend pole as desired, lay out 3' x 6' or so tyvek inside.)

And, here's how I use one on a backpack hunt in snow (example: Madison Range in MT, mid-November, 8000 ft elevation, 15F, 8" of snow, snowing lightly):
1.) choose a good tent site
2.) Invest 10 minutes to plow snow from tent site with boots, until not much remains under tent footprint
3.) erect tent as above
4.) unpack stove and make a fire...

Here's how I pack up the tent after one or more days' stay on the hunts above:
1.) dismantle tent, and marvel at the tent-sized patch of dry, bare ground.