While I have never been the hunter, I have been along on a few goat hunts, all of which were successful. Sometimes the goats are found in easy terrain, near lakes and such...sometimes they're found in stuff you'd be better off using rock climbing gear than anything else. I have no idea what type of terrain Copper River Outfitters hunts in, but have to assume it is pretty rough, especially if it is a strict backpack hunt.

I don't mind a heavy rifle, but 11 pounds is pushing it. I carried a rifle along on those goat hunts too, as a back up as well as for incidental wolf/lion sightings. It was always just a standard .270/.30-06 type rifle weighing about 8 or so pounds. I'll say right now I would be looking at a different rifle than that Gunwerks, even one lighter than the Christensen Arms you're considering.