Prince was so popular, especially with Purple Rain, with women, young ones.... it didn't have to make sense... they don't make sense.... but they love something all touchy feely and emotional...

so its a good thing it makes no sense to most of you guys...

I mean we're talking a 5 foot tall 98 lb weakling Mulatto kid from Minneapolis....

he had talent, that he was able to sell...he ran a good business at Paisley Park...

despite being what many of us would call awfully [bleep] like, he was also a very generous individual... with his time, sharing the financial benefits of his success with those that worked for him...more power to him...

sorry to see him pass away at only 57.. I would have wished him a longer and healthier life....

I liked some of Merle's Stuff.... one of my favorite songs of his is Pancho and Lefty....that song makes zero sense either.. but I still like it...

one takes from a song, what they take from it... and for each of us that can be something totally different than the others....

ya wanna talk about useless and overrated... let's talk about the Beattles...