Originally Posted by Squirrelnut

Thank you for proving my point. You launched straight into an ad hominem attack questioning my ability to read. Fact is, you are a condescending azzhole convinced for some reason of your superiority over others. All you've succeeded in doing on these Prince threads is make yourself look petty and jealous in your attempts to diminish him. Must suck that a huge musical genius like you is reduced to spending his time tearing down a successful musician on an Internet message board instead of selling millions of records and receiving the acclaim you must so justly deserve.

Uh oh.

Doncha know that CCCC is a self-claimed badass counter puncher just like he is a self-claimed NFL band class musician.

Even though he says he is done with you, I suspect the Innanet bully in him will not let your post stand unanswered.

I kinda shiver in awe of him and have Depends on hand just in case I might soil myself.