Originally Posted by gophergunner
The first apartment I moved into had had some party kids living in it before me. My understanding is they grew some weed in there and had to leave in a hurry as the local police were showing interest in having a little Come to Jesus with them. About the third night I was in there, two kids came knocking on the door at about 2:30 in the morning after the bars started closing. I had no idea who they were or why they were knocking on my door. I rolled out of bed, hit the floor and racked the 870 all in one motion. They took off like a couple of turpentined cats. Never had a lick of trouble after that. They damned hear got hit by a car when they ran across the street, as I heard breaks skidding, and some choice invective's hurled their way as they hit the street.

Buddy of mine in college was about 10 years older than me..

He had been in the Marines, did a couple of tours of Vietnam, came home, got on the Boston PD, and then started taking college courses on the GI Bill...

He lived in an apartment in Back Bay, ground floor with a couple of buddies he grew up with....was a lot of junkies in that area in those days.....and they'd be all hopped up on drugs, and even tho he was an accomplished Martial Arts guy, he hit one after they broke in at 2 in the morning and it wouldn't even phase them....

He was the first guy to ever tell me this way.... they may be high or not speak English, or even have no clue who they are... but it doesn't matter where they are from, what language they speak or even how high and strung out they are....no guy doesn't know what the sound of a 12 gauge ratcheting sounds like....