Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
I had been getting robo-calls about which delegates to vote for. So that tipped me off about the need to figure out which ones I wanted. A little Internet research showed which I wanted. There was a fellow who came out of the booth in front of me and offered those wanting a list of the delegates and who they supported, not sure if that was allowed, no one said anything to him. Also fairly rural here, I was number 327 at 6 pm and had to wait, it seemed like a big turn out for a primary. As for smart phones, I don't have one and was too dumb to known it was needed wink

Yeah, I probably would have been more aware if I listened to all the robocalls, but I hang up on them immediately. With call ID, if I don't know the number I don't even pick it up. If the caller is an actual human, they can leave me a voicemail and I'll call them back. I think I actually NEED to call someone back about 1% of the time on my home phone (I use my cell for the majority of my phone usage). I would guess in a normal week I get maybe 10 calls, if that, to my land line, and usually none are anything but robocalling asking me to refinance a student loan I never had, get new car insurance, or telling me I've won a Disney vacation in a contest I never entered. Boy, that Do Not Call list is working out great.....

So I could have been better prepared, for sure, but it wasn't impossible to figure out. If they hadn't put the printed ballots out for us to look at prior to going into the booth, I would have been caught unaware, however. And that's on me for not knowing.

On the other hand, I may simply not be remembering things right, since usually the PA primary doesn't mean much (being comparatively late int the spring, usually things are pretty well wrapped well before we vote)......but I don't ever recall voting for delegates in the past. But I may just not be remembering it right.

I arrived at the township building around 5:30, voted well after 6, and I was number 503. And there were a lot behind me.....first time I've seen the line out the door for a primary.