Originally Posted by Crow hunter
Originally Posted by tddeangelo

Now, I can see some being confused by this, as I don't ever recall seeing this on a primary ballot in the past, so I'm sure people showed up unprepared to select delegates by name.

There were no candidate representatives anywhere to be seen, and nothing was given to link any delegate to any candidate. I had to find that on my own, but it was not a very difficult task.

We expect people to show up to vote with their smartphones so they can research the web to figure out who the hell they're actually voting for instead of actually printing it on the ballot, and that's OK.

However, expecting a person to show up to vote with some form of ID is an insurmountable burden that'll destroy democracy as we know it.

No argument there... I had my license out, no one cared. For all the 95 yr old woman who signed me in would know, I could have been from Florida. All I had to do was give a name that's on their rolls (and all property owners' names are conveniently available on tax mapping data on the web) and sign on the proper line and off I went to vote.