its been pretty clear I'm not a Cruz fan but phug John Boehner calling anyone a miserable son of a bitch.

His day of reckoning has come and the nation told him we don't like you.

Its coming for McConnel, McCain and Graham too (well, Graham polling at 0% should tell him something but he's too much of a scumbag to admit it nationally)

Cruz had something to do with Boehner stepping down, but we got Paul Ryan who is just as bad or worse to replace him.

So Cruz played a role in helping send a message.

I'll give him credit for that any day over giving Boehner a platform to talk about his failed politics

I didn't watch Megan Kelly. I never have doubt I ever will but its safe to say Cruz is left with few options. He's now where Rubio was a just before Florida when it was clear he wasn't going to get the big push he needed and went into "say anything, do anything mode" which he later regretted.

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings