Well JUST DAM Sean!! That was a LOT of good information and I thank you for it. I think we have more in common than we have differences here and since I am trying to catch up, you guys who know about this stuff can be a big help.

Recently I went to the camp and was sitting on the front porch thinking That I used to have a lot more fun there than I have had in the past few years. The more I thought about that, I realized that I have become trapped by old habits and familiarity. There is no more mystery about where I hunt because I've had the camp for many years and I know every square inch of those 1160 acres. I go to the established stands and hunt, or I stalk through familiar woods hunting. Then I started remembering when I last had excitement in my hunting because I want it back.

Because bow season is always the first to open here, I and most other hunters always look forward to it all year. And no real bow hunter can pass up the day all the bow company reps come to the local pro shop and show the new stuff. Man I could hardly sleep the night before. Those were exciting and interesting times, so I decided to check out some of the new gear and was blown away by the improvements that have been made since I kept up with it. But since I did not know much about all of the new stuff, I thought you boys could help me because I am going to be lost going to a pro shop. Heck, I don't recognize some of the names even . But I have seen guys come to camp with Matthews single cam bows and those bows have been quiet, fast, easy to shoot and keep in tune. Keeping an Oneida in tune is always an issue and I don't want to have to mess with it.

I draw 28 inches when I use a release and string loop. I don't like giving up draw length, but the advantages of a release out weigh the draw length loss for me anyway. I bow hunt at very close range because I have stands on game trails or on food plots. And since I own the camp and land and only use it for hunting, there are few surprises. So I can probably use one of the new bow's and shoot 50 to 55 pounds draw weight and do as well with it as my Oneida that I shoot at 70 pounds getting ready for season, and then back it off to 60 pounds for hunting season. That is because when I keep it set ay 70 pounds and get out there on my stand before daylight and stand there for a couple of hours when it is still cool, I get stiff and have trouble breaking that dern Oneida over at 70 pounds. It's no problem when I am out there all warmed up shooting on the range, but it's a different story just after daylight when I've been on stand not moving for a couple of hours. Then my old bones get cranky and stiff.

So where would you guys recommend that I start given my draw length, shoot with a release, and want to shoot 50 to 55 pounds? Oh, and I think I want a single cam bow.

Last edited by BobWills; 05/03/16.

Despite what your momma told you, violence does solve problems.