Had a Sales Manager once who had previously worked for another company, that had won a National Quality Award, and his team was presented the award by GW Bush. This guy is a typical extroverted, talkative salesman. They are standing in line to shake Bush's hand. When Bush comes to him, he opens his mouth...and totally freezes, so after a few awkward moments, Bush, smiles and goes on to the next person, while Mr. extrovert continues to stand there with his mouth open. grin

Dana Perino, the Fox News host, worked for W. One story she told is, the Bushes usually went to Camp David for Christmas, before flying home to Texas a couple days later. They did that so their staff and Secret Service could spend Christmas with their families. If they flew back to Texas, the staff had to go with them. Very considerate of them.

"...the designer of the .270 Ingwe cartridge!..."