
I'll feign my GREAT "surprise",that one "conquest" pic of "The King" of Krunchenticker cartridges in "action" upon a Splendid Beastie,was simply MUCH too much for you to manage. Just what were the fhuqking "odds"? Laffin'!

I'd prolly be really hard pressed to summon magnificence ala a .378" casehead in poor poor STUPID Fhuqk. Laffin'!

"Tell" me "more" about the 223AI,because as I recall I've only built 13 of 'em and am prolly sandbagging. Hint.

The 257 Weatherby is sumptin' "new" to me too and I doubt that I've built much more than 5 of them. PLEASE use as much Imagination and Pretend that you can muster,to quantify your version of "knowledge","experience" and "results". Don't "forget" pics. Laffin'!

Mebbe dangle some 6.8/130 Booger pics,muse twist rate and COAL and try to "convince" yourself that you've a first fhuqking clue. Then add some "particulars" like base/rings/glass that you use to extoll these fabricated "virtues",if only to meld your Delusions fully. Laffin'!

You are certainly a Trend Setter...if'n you factor Fhuqking STUPIDITY as being a "trend". Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart,you Amazingly Stupid Clueless Fhuqk.
