Dang son!!! You have good eyes. When the local Concord Ranger camp learned my name, they looked me up and came knocking on my door to join them. There is a county in Florida named for my family and they helped establish Ft. Myers and did establish the city of Labelle and served as its first mayor. Ft. Myers still has major streets named for them. They came originally from Scottland to South Carolina, then to Georgia and then to Florida and fought indians and yankees and at one time ran 50,000 head of cattle free range.

The SCV does good work but we are under attack on every front as the PC crowd rewrites history, re-names schools, roads and destroys monuments and grave yards. I am amazed at how little most people know about that time period of American history. Actually, amazed how little they know about history period for that matter.

Do you think I could use some of my Confererate money to get Tim to build me a knife? grin

Despite what your momma told you, violence does solve problems.