I use a good quality student size backpack. Contents are: toilet paper, a few paper towels, a small pack of handy wipes, knife, compas, matches or disposable lighter, string or cord, a few rounds of ammo, knife, compas, binocular (if not around my neck), water, snacks (usually nuts and apple), surgical gloves, scissors, small bug repellent, a few band-aids, sunscreen, a few plastic bags, and perhaps some things I have forgotten. There may be a small radio with ear buds if I'm going to sit in a "luxury Texas tower." Football games still happen!

Additionally, I will have duct tape in my hunting vehicle, and perhaps in the pack. We were once chasing scaled quail in the desert. Our driver ran over a small mesquite and a broken branch pierced the oil filter. I cleaned the filter, sealed the hole with duct tape, added a quart of oil, and the hunt was back on. Good thing, civilization was a good 8-10 miles away and we had a couple of seniors aboard. We made it to a mine where the shop gave us an oil change and a new filter. West Texas Hospitality!

Note that we are not talking Costco size rolls of toilet paper or quart size bug spray and sunscreen. 2 - 2 1/2" of TP still on the roll is plenty, then mash it flat to save space. A 2 or 3 oz tube/bottle of sun and bug protection is enough.

Good hunting,


"Do not blame Caesar, blame the people...who have...rejoiced in their loss of freedom....Blame the people who hail him when he speaks of the 'new, wonderful, good, society'...to mean ,..living fatly at the expense of the industrious." Cicero