Scrap yards around here pay like .25 s pound max for scrap lead. Any lead that is not assayed is scrap lead. Then they try to retail it, but that's the spread.

Lino isn't bullet ready alloy, it needs 2x pure lead to get it right for bullets.

Keeping in mind you can get correctly alloyed lead delivered for a buck a pound in over 1000# lots so it's not a good idea to overpay.

Call around and offer him 20% over what the local scrap yard will and that is about fair. I see folks trying to sell zinc-ed up lead all the time for a buck a pound, and they probably find some unaware buyers.

It's ok to sell small lots at a profit. One has to pay for packing and's a fair amount of work.

If you have to buy lead, it's much easier to buy correct alloy from a supplier.

"Supernatural divinities are the primitive's answer to why the sun goes down at night..."