I have a little boy who's almost 9 months old. Momma works late and Saturday unfortunately, which means that me and him spend tons of time together after I get off work and on weekends.

This is our first kid and of course my wife is the typical first time mom who's paranoid about everything from allergies to the boogerman and any other rare disease or disorder in between. I on the other hand have no such affliction having a good memory of what I did and ate as a child that didn't kill, maim, nor even hurt me.

I have been feeding the boy people food since he was 2 months old now, give a 3 month old a pickle spear sometime and see how much enjoyment they get out of it. I'm cautious about choking hazards obviously, no popcorn or jawbreaker candy but otherwise he eats what I eat. And finally Momma is coming around to the idea that he isn't allergic to everything under the sun and that it's actually easier to feed him what we eat than to make something special or buy baby food.

You should see the reaction I get from other young parents when I tell them about the remedy my Grandmother gave me for when an infant gets constipated. Give them a bottle full of equal parts Dr Pepper and prune juice, they love the stuff and it will get the plumbing going again like pronto. Had one lady about faint when she heard, she figured Dr Pepper would instantly give a tot diabetes or maybe even death.

Sometimes it's fun raising a kid the old way in the new day. smile