Originally Posted by Pugs
Originally Posted by Steelhead
Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by Pugs
We complain that many blacks in America haven't gotten over slavery and moved on and yet the south continues to bitch about a poor decision on their part from 150 years ago. The south got to live with the consequences of their actions.

The descendants of slaves are supposed to just 'get over it' and get on with life, but it's OK for the descendants of Confederates to be bitter and butt hurt till the end of time.

The only thing I'm butthurt about is how fu*king stupid and liberal Yankees are TODAY.

They are leading the charge to destroying the nation. Only now the Yankees have California on their side.

As the campfire norm Scott, you're making generalizations because it's easier than thinking through the problem. It is not north vs south, it is rural vs urban and has been the last 50 years.

Atlanta, Memphis and Miami are just as f'ed up as NY City, Chicago and Seattle. My experience is that those in the rural areas are much more on the conservative side than the urban. We're not in a north south war for our culture and our personal independence anymore this time it's much harder to define than a line on a map in southern PA. In fact, there are no lines and there of many of us that live far urban more than others that are on the side of independence and personal freedom.

Tell me, do states/cities get better when more and more Yankees and Californians migrate to them?

You can say it as you wish and no doubt cities are liberal shietholes, but I find MANY more liberal idiots living in towns that end with 'kill than you'd ever thing about in the south.

Another FACT, all those WONDERFUL Yankee conservatives are giving the LIBERAL political, right grabbing machine, LOTS of money in taxes EVERY YEAR.

I ain't that smart, but if a guy is sending a check to ISIS every month, he'd be called out of helping the enemy.

So, please, keep sending your money to liberals that are destroying this country.

"Dear Lord, save me from Your followers"