Deerwhacker444: The chances of the crooked dicked clinton and the racist attorney general "just by coincidence" meeting on the tarmack in TWO different private planes to just happened to want to discuss their "grand-children" is right between zeeandfuckingro!
No chance at all in other words - money was exchanged and probably in the tens of millions of dollars!
Whether the money physically changed hands or is promised there is NO doubt in my mind that criminality occurred - let alone gross impropriety and unprofessional conduct!
The "fix" is now in!
Sad to say.
The demonrat party is now simply the most corrupt, dishonest, morally reprehensible bunch of power mad racists this earth has ever seen!
Thanks a lot barrack hussein obama for turning this once great nation into a bankrupt and morally lost "third world" country!
Hold into the wind