Oh hell Mike, why stop there.

Our clowns here are importing the lowest form of filth and making damn sure they are getting access to a damn sight more of the government tit than Australians are entitled to...public housing lists, nah only applies to Aussies, illegals bypass that, illegal doesn't feel like working...no sweat, automatic government tit time, illegal wants medical assistance...no problem mate we'll remove a few aussies from the list.

Illegal needs to start a business, f ck no mate we'll help...need a car, sh t yeah man...what f cking colour do you want.
Need your mosque fast tracked with public planning, F CK YEAH, we can do that!

Does your kid need dental on the public healthcare system on public expense account at the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne...fine if you aren't a taxpaying white fella, if you are then you can f ck off...but be sure to keep funding it with your tax dollars.

Our lot are EXACTLY the same as yours, just more amateurish.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.