Wonder how much fraggin will be going on in combat zones...

Here's a classic from a Bygone Age,

They must have known this day would come...

Falling fairies from the sky;
I broke a nail, oh I could cry!
Don't you like how my tush sways?
We are the HoMos of the Queen Berets!
Bill Clinton's words upon our ears,
"You guys have rights, be proud you're queers!"
I once was scared, now I'm Okay,
Cause I'm a HoMo in the Queen Berets.
Put silver earclips on our nuts;
We love the pain, now spank our butts!
The way you walk is awfully cute;
I sure would love to pack your chute!
Back at home, a young wife waits,
Her Queen Beret just won't go straight;
For his team he stays undressed,
Spreads his legs, and lies on his chest.
This Army stuff is really slick;
Free clothes, bunk beds, and lots of dicks.
When we retire, we'll still get paid;
We thank you, Obama, from the Queen Berets!