Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot
There's 3 truths here:

1. Trump wasn't telling Russia to hack us
2. Trump showed poor judgment in making the statement
3. The DNC is trying to exploit his comment

The bottom line is that when the DNC puts a huge bullseye on there forehead, you should just stick to the facts and rub their faces in it, and get them to hate Hillary even more. You shouldn't try to be sarcastic and give them a perfect diversion opportunity that will help them unite against you. I hate Hillary but Trump turned a massive positive into a setback here.

Bullshit! Trump did not show poor judgment in making that statement. He was right on the money. Our country is run by inept morons who cannot be trusted with sensitive info let alone proof of what they really think of us.

I want a politician who tells is like it is. I don't need cleansed and sanitized versions.