Originally Posted by T_Inman
Is there a more concrete definition of "guiding" in Alaska's law books?

Say someone moves up there, from Texas...Several years later he invites an old friend up there to hunt caribou with him. The old friends also plan a deer hunt together back in Texas at a spot that the Texas resident has hunted, but the Alaskan transplant has not.

No money is exchanged...just two old friends going on two hunting trips together. Would that situation necissairly be considered guiding by Alaska laws?

No, that example would not be twisted to guiding. Advertising a swap hunt on an internet forum would clearly be guiding by their definitions though. It all comes down to whether one is reciprocating a nonresident's action by providing hunting/guiding services. Old friendships show you would likely be hunting together anyway.

This is the state that once wrote a law that as a transporter I was not allowed to tell people anything about the game they were hunting! I could not legally point out a buck on a beach or even allow someone to look through my binocular! Those laws did not last long...

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.