Originally Posted by Fubarski
MLM is bullshit.

If the product/service has merit, it can support the overhead necessary to function by selling the product/service to the public.

MLM markets less than competent products/services, not to the public, but to individuals who hope to profit from the public.

IOW, the profit comes from the dreams of the recruits, not the worthiness of the product/service.

Some vultures here already, claimin MLM is the schizz.

Maybe they'll have the balls to post what their "product" is, and why MLM is the "only" way it can be moved.

Well, for a $140 Beachbody workout dvd, my wife will coach a lady till she's skinny and in shape. That includes giving meal plans and educating on how to eat, encouragement, accountability, phone calls, etc. Probably the best deal out there that I can see. Not sure how that's a scam, but I'm all ears. Enlighten me.