Originally Posted by Fubarski
Originally Posted by Calvin
Easily the most fit person I know. 3.5 year old and 2 year old kids and a six pack. Not sure who would be more qualified to teach nutrition and exercise than that. You think a fat gal who has a degree in exercise would be more qualified? Btw, he success rate is very good, and every gal who claims some sort of "issue" that won't allow them to lose weight does extremely well and gets down to weights they haven't seen in ages.

Fubarski, what do you do for a living? You seem to have an agenda here.

IOW, she has no training, expertise or qualifications to do what she does, cept bein skinnier than the suckers she pulls in.

Maybe I should take golf lessons from somebody that beats me at golf.

Must be a pro, right?

You are on the verge of retard now. Simmer down.