Jimy: Well "since when" is since when YOU let guilt ridden and mentally troubled liberals begin making laws and political decisions for you - and since when YOU have allowed it to become morally and financially "O.K." and an easy lifestyle for so many to spit out welfare litters generation after generation!
That's "since when"!
IF... this rewarding single moms bothers you then I would change your voting/electing habits.
And do so PRONTO!
I know I did not vote for any liberal, guilt ridden, socialists/communists over the last 50 years - so I think MAYBE you probably had something to do with that happening so often?
Elections have consequences and we are now, as a society/country, suffering those consequences!
And this just you liberals wait until the Chi-coms (Chinese Communists) won't loan the liberal politicians here in America any more funny money!
Jimy (is that pronounced jai-mee or the more traditional "jih-mee")?), I fear for the future of this country.
Hold into the wind