This thread hits kinda close to home for me and my family. About 5 years ago we lived in the city of York, Pa. My oldest daughter befriended a girl that was her age(both about 20) and brought her home. Well she kinda became like another daughter to us. Come to find out she was hooked on painkillers. Its amazing to find out how easy it is to get ahold of them on the streets. We got her off of everything and she was clean and sober for a couple years. She had 2 boys before we met her that her mother had custody of. After she seemed to get her life straightened out she was engaged to a guy who seemed to have his head on straight and they had a daughter. He had his own roofing business and was doing pretty well. Then he started dabbling in drugs and they both ended up hooked on heroin. She was found dead 3 days before Christmas this past year with a needle still stuck in her arm. Her mother went and picked up the baby...and when she got there the baby was malnutritioned and dehydrated and covered in sores and feces. Needless to say she now has custody of her and she is a beautiful healthy little girl. Btw the dad is rotting in prison where he belongs.
I just can't grasp why anyone would do that crap to themselves knowing the odds of what the outcome are. I guess we all have our not good for us, cigarettes, alcohol.etc....but drugs that have the end result of heroin and such...I just don't get it

If it looks good, you'll see it
If it sounds good, you'll hear it
If it's marketed right, you'll buy it
But...If it's real, you'll feel it
Kid Rock