Let me tell you from a personal perspective, I had some major surgery back in 08. If it wasn't for the pain killers after it I would not have made it through it. There is a real need for for that kind of medicine and it's not fair nor accurate to say the medical profession just gives it out without reason. However that's not to say depending on how an individual is wired that exposure to these opiuts (even though the trama warrants it) might get them going down the wrong road. There is no way for the doctors to know the potential outcome for treating a patient with a chronic pain issue. All this being said I will go on record to say that in terms of these young (under the age of 22) heroin addicts it is because of pure blind ignorance and stupidity they try it and have no idea what they really are doing. Trust me when I say this, pick out the nicest, well raised kid you know under the age of 14, and realize that before he turns 21 he may be dead or hooked and on a road to ruin do to heroin. And there won't be a damn thing you will be able to do about it but cry. I hope you never go through it.

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