I am going to weigh in on this as we have heavy vehicle speed limiting to 100 kph for singles and b-doubles, and 90 kph for Road Trains...and I hold an Australian MC and have driven line-haul.

Originally Posted by wilkeshunter
My Dad is of the board of directors of one of the larger freight companies and he is expecting them to go to driverless trucks at some point. They are really struggling to find drivers, and the average age of their drivers continue to climb, with no relief on sight.

That will be because drivers are sick to death of being screwed over by the company they drive for, the arseholes loading, and the coppers that are out to shaft them every chance they get.

Originally Posted by Scott F
There are professional driver on the road today that do a great job. The work hard, they work long hours, and they do it by the books. I did it for around six and a half years with no moving violations and no accidents.

Many a time I was doing the speed limit on cruse only to have a car pass me, cut back so close I could not see the tail lights from a slant hood Freightliner, and put on their brakes hard. The often slowed down to five or ten miles below the speed limit. I have had to break so hard I shifted 7,000 pound plus roles of paper to the front of the trailer and had to turn around and go back to the mill to be reloaded to be legal risking my ass to keep from killing some idiot. Just a hint, if you see a truck with 26 to 28 tires on the ground it might just be heavy and even a 80,000 pound rig cannot stop on a dime.

That said I will be the first to admit there are CDL drivers on the road who should not be allowed to ride a rocking horse.

To expect a truck to maintain 80 mph speeds in mountain country means you don't have the IQ to pas the test to be a bowling ball.

Like here there are undoubtedly a lot of very good drivers that most definitely are professional in their outlook and approach...there will also be a mass of absolute clowns that shouldn't be anywhere near a matchbox toy car on any given day of the week, you know them as they stand out like dogs balls every time you go for a drive, they are the ones the driving public notices.
And I am betting you have been hit by an influx of filth from india and every other cesspool around the globe that fancies themselves as Jesus on wheels, and I am also betting the bastards are getting away with murder as they do not understand English, can't fill in a log book...and are being used by the companies to screw local drivers out of a job, the same companies that are whinging about a lack of screwable drivers so they need to import more low filth from fukcrapistan.

And last but not least...I cannot wait to see how something created by some techy halfwit at microsoft goes about pulling into a property and loading up a mob of cattle, probably about as well it goes avoiding a mob of stock wandering over the road.

This isn't about safety, it is about companies screwing every last cent out of the game...and not paying.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.