Originally Posted by greydog
I'm sure most of the one percenters get up each morning and wonder, "How can I employ the most people and give them a meaningful life?" Just after they have that thought tucked away, they wonder, "How can I help our country best deal with all the issues facing it?" I'm sure. I once worked on a project where the owner of a construction company claimed to have built a bridge. BS! a dozen or less men worked ten to 18 hours a day, seven days a week,in hot, cold, rain, and snow to build that bridge and he wasn't one of them. The money didn't come from him either; it came from the taxpayers. In their off time the men wondered how they could deal with constantly being cheated on their pay checks. GD

I had an uncle who made a lot of money. You know, the proverbial "rich uncle." Your first question, "How can I employ the most people and give them a meaningful life?" was his motivation. He felt since he could he was obligated to provide good paying jobs for his crews.

"Only Christ is the fullness of God's revelation."
Everyday Hunter