My cousin, a fanatic for the latest and greatest things, like them little phones they slide their greasy fingers all over to flip through pages and stuff, always mentions his GPS. Interesting thing about GPS is he has never found the shortest route to my house from Oregon, and it's all freeway. So I break out the AAA map and show him how to cut 40 miles and a lot of traffic off the route. That didn't help, next time he calls from Antioch, California asking how to find his way. Said he must have made a wrong turn. I told him it couldn't be done, he'd have to go back to Oregon and start over. Good thing he had his daughter and wife with him, or he'd have never stopped for directions.

Next time, I had written down the route. He calls and says it seems to be working. I ask where he is, he says he just went through the big tunnel. What tunnel? I ask. There isn't any tunnel on the route. Turns out he didn't believe me and followed his GPS, it was the Caldecott Tunnel. He was driving miles out of his way toward Oakland, after exiting I-680 South. He finally arrived about two hours late and frazzled.

Last time he visited, he was going to see his father in Exeter, California after stopping at San Simeon. later I found out that after leaving San Simeon, they had driven two hours the wrong way on Hwy 101 before catching on and turning around. He finally found Hwy 198 and on to Visalia and Exeter. Sort of roundabout but he made it. I told him the best thing he could do with that GPS thing was toss it out the window and clean the suction cup rings off the windshield.

Back in the day, when I worked at a huge show horse farm, I'd ride Rosy down to the store and post office, and never once got lost because Rosy knew she'd get an apple or a Hostess Apple Pie for a treat, and she always knew the way home for dinner. Yep, a living GPS. Ah, those were the days.

Last edited by WranglerJohn; 08/30/16.